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My Dharma brother Shoshin is in the Pure Land : here & now

Writer's picture: shakuhokaishakuhokai

As unenlightened beings, the only consciousness we can attain in the “here & now” is the extent of our limitations and the impossibility of our becoming Buddhas through our own power.


For Shoshin, a Dharma brother who recently left his human body, the "here & now" is very different since he is reborn in the Pure Land of Amida Buddha.


We spoke of this in our last Amida Dharma meeting with Amidaji members when we discussed the benefits of being reborn in the Pure Land. These benefits are what describe the here & now of Shoshin.

In one moment he closed his eyes to this world, when in the next moment he opened them, just as Ananda, as we are told by Shakyamuni in the Larger Sutra, Shoshin saw “the splendor and majesty of Amitayus” and “that land filled with excellent and glorious manifestations, all spontaneously produced, from the ground to the Heaven of the Pure Abode” and also ”heard the great voice of Amitayus” (1). 


For Shoshin, in that very moment of passing into the welcoming embrace of Amida Buddha, the limitations of his human consciousness, the burden of beginningless karmic blind passions, attachments and ignorance were destroyed. 

As people of faith in Amida Buddha’s Primal Vow, we rest assured that, as in the words of Master Shinran, our Dharma brother Shoshin has,


“....entered completely into the Pure Land of happiness, he or she immediately realizes the supreme Nirvana; he realizes the supreme Enlightenment”(2).


and as further explained by Revrened Josho,


“From this benefit, all other benefits emerge like branches of a tree. Thus, once we become Buddhas in the Pure Land, we’ll have access to the ultimate reality beyond form (Dharmakaya), we’ll dwell forever in transcendent form (Sambhogakaya) in Amida’s Pure Land, and in the same time we’ll go in all the places of the universe in various Bodies of Accomodation or Transformation (Nirmanakayas) to save all beings. The promise of attaining Buddhahood and returning to help all beings was made by Amida Buddha in His 11th[15] and 22ndVow[16] respectively.”(3)


It was only a few days after Shoshin’s passing that I became aware of his presence in my life. I had been struggling through challenging times in my relationship and was deeply beset with resentment and hateful thoughts. As I was brooding over taking irremediable action, I heard a distinct sound of someone chuckling.  I never knew Shoshin or ever exchanged with him personally, only ever saw or heard him on the videos of our Amidaji meetings posted on Youtube, yet I knew that the joyful, sparkling presence that was lighting up my darkness was Shoshin in His Nirmanakaya form. He gently reminded me of the insanity of this world and how, I too, was inevitably and completely insane. It may have just been my imagination, but in my mind’s eye, I could even see his face with twinkling eyes smiling at me. My anger and dark schemes fell away as I was coaxed by his irresistible joy to laugh at my madness and stupidity. Shoshin saved me from taking drastic action I would bitterly regret for the remainder of my days.


In my opinion, that realisation of my folly, through Shoshin’s benevolent Nirmanakaya presence, was an example of the only “here and now “ that an unenlightened being such as myself could ever experience.


Shoshin, during his last human existence, was a person of faith who was extremely earnest and dedicated to Amidaji International Temple and the unadulterated Amida Dharma taught by Reverend Josho, so it ensues that he created strong karmic bonds with all its members.

For me, it seems only natural that he would return in Nirmanakaya form to help all his former Dharma kin. I am quite certain that he is present to all other members of Amidaji as, in the same manner,  he must be present to all other beings with whom he had strong karmic bonds during his many past lifetimes.


So, members of Amidaji and all those who sincerely believe in the reality of Amida Buddha and His Pure Land, please don’t be surprised or dismissive about hearing a chuckling voice or seeing twinkling eyes gently reminding you of your insanity. It is Shoshin’s manifestation of the Infinite Compassion of Amida Buddha who is now standing by your side to protect, encourage and remind you that the only sanity available to us is to rely solely on Amida Buddha, say His Name in faith and wish to be born in His Pure Land,


Namo Amida Bu

Amida Buddha, I thank you for your Infinite Compassion which, in the here and now, is manifesting through Shoshin to help and guide all sentient beings to Your Pure Land

Namo Amida Bu

Namo Amida Bu

Namo Amida Bu


Shaku Hokai

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Articles & books by Reverend Josho Adrian Cirlea:

(1)The Three Pure Land Sutras - A Study and Translation from Chinese by Hisao Inagaki in collaboration with Harold Stewart, Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai and Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, Kyoto, 2003, 

(2) Shinran Shonin, Lamp for the Latter-Ages, letter 21, The Collected Works of Shinran, Shin Buddhism Translation Series, Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha, Kyoto, 1997, p.555

(3) The TrueTeaching on Amida Buddha and His Pure Land, Dharma Lion Publications, Craiova.


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